Wednesday, June 10, 2009

North Korean gulag - stop cruel imprisonment of U.S. journalists

From the Inbox:

North Korea's government sentenced two U.S. journalists on Monday to more than a decade of hard labor in one of the world's most closed and oppressive prison systems.

Given all we know about the appalling prison conditions in North Korea, we need your help to ensure that the two journalists aren't forced to serve their sentences. Decades of monitoring and research by Amnesty have revealed that North Korean prisoners are worked beyond exhaustion, often into illness and death.

Guards beat prisoners suspected of lying, not working fast enough or for forgetting the words to patriotic songs. Forms of punishment included forced exercise, sitting without moving for prolonged periods of time and public humiliation.1

The global community must send a clear message to Pyongyang that it

We've pulled out all the stops over the past two days to find an email address to send your appeals to, but China clearly doesn't want to hear what we have to say, and has shut off all publicly known addresses. But they don't understand that you and I, as members of Amnesty's global movement, don't give up so easily.


Jack Rendler
Country Specialist for North Korea
Amnesty International USA

Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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