Monday, June 15, 2009

keep the insurance companies "honest."

Markets work because of competition.  It forces competitors to fight for consumers via lower costs, better services, and less bureaucracy.  Its time we join the rest of the industrialized world!  You can't trust the private sector to do it on their own--or else they'd already be doing it!
Lets keep insurance companies honest and end the headaches of insurance bureaucracy and private companies making decisions for citizens with no other option for these families to turn to.
From the inbox:

President Obama got it right - we need the choice of a public health insurer to control costs and keep the insurance companies "honest."

That's why the latest idea in Congress won't do.

The idea? A consumer co-op for health care, instead of a public health insurance plan.1

Consumer co-ops have their place, but fixing the health care system is a big task. It's only common sense that we need the clout of the government if we are going to keep those insurance companies honest and reign in health care costs.

Will you call your Senators today and tell them you want a strong public option available everywhere in American and ready on day one? Click here.

Of course, the insurance industry would love to see a health co-op, because the one thing they are scared of is competing with a public health insurance option which really will keep them honest. They're for anything but that!

Only your voice can counteract the special interests that are using their influence in Washington. Please make the call today. Click here.

This is going to be a long hot summer of health care. We have to be vigilant to make sure that we win a real guarantee of quality, affordable health care for all with a strong public health insurance option.

Thank you for making the call.

To your health,

Levana Layendecker
Health Care for America Now

Posted via email from jimnichols's posterous

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