Sunday, June 14, 2009

@JimN2010 education reform....

One of the key reasons I'm running for State House is the terrible shape of our schools.  As a high school dropout I know the struggles faced by the young people we fail to educate. We are currently letting down the next generation of Georgians.  We are letting down the business community by not giving them a topnotch workforce, and we are harming the long term prosperity of this state.
One of the reasons we have so much gridlock at the Gold Dome is the career politicians like Steve Davis keep getting re-elected yet contribute to fail at their jobs. 
This isn't a partisan thing--leaders on both sides of the aisle have failed.  The ineptitude of the Democrats, and the bickering of Republicans, mean the the citizens of Georgia don't get the people's business done, and rather have to watch a circus up at the Gold Dome. Our state should be on the leading the way as an example rather than falling behind.  This hurts our economy, it hurts our young people, and puts more stress on hard working families in Georgia who are trying to play by the rules, and give their children the education the require (and deserve) for a 21st century economy.
I recently wrote a letter to the editor on the high school dropout rates here in the state of Georgia @JimN2010 GA High School Dropout Rates, because our young people are the most important infrastructure investment we have.  Its time to clean house at the Gold Dome and hold the leadership accountable for not doing their job. We must empower our most at risk students rather than let them fall through the cracks to fend for themselves in silence.
We need new ideas.  We need to harness new technologies.  I wanted to pass on a recent article Schwarzenegger seeks online revolution in schools I caught today.  Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger has been an example of Republican leadership that is the exact opposite of the extreme right wing policies and leadership of Steve Davis. 
I spent a few years in California going to school for political science and philosophy (LA City College, American River College, and University of California at Davis) and in that time I saw close hand some of the smart ideas that Schwarzenegger has introduced.
Using technology can help save millions for the state and helps prepare our young people for a 21st Century economy.  New ideas and a commitment to not letting our young people get left behind without the skills they require to flourish--this is something I will bring to the Gold Dome in 2010.

Posted via email from jimnichols's posterous

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