Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Say thank you to those upholding American values...

From the Inbox:

Standing up for what's right often takes courage.

Standing up for what's right in direct defiance of your superiors at the Pentagon and White House takes uncommon courage.

Common Cause is launching a campaign to commend the members of the Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAGs) who refused to carry out orders to torture detainees at Guantanamo and other prisons, and who spoke out in defense of basic human rights.

Please sign our letter of thanks to these brave JAGs today!

We will deliver the letters of commendation – with your signature! – and a "Common Cause Award for Uncommon Courage" around the 4th of July, the most patriotic of our nation's holidays.

Let's join together to celebrate the integrity and bravery that these JAGs exhibited, even during one of America's darkest chapters.

Common Cause will continue to push for a truth commission to investigate allegations of torture, and for justice for those involved. But we believe that now is the time to recognize the courageous JAGs who risked their careers to defend the ideals and principles upon which our great nation was built.

Please add your signature to the letter of commendation today!

And don't forget to pass this message on to your friends so that we can show an outpouring of support to these Judge Advocates.

Thanks for all you do.


Arn Pearson
and the rest of the team at Common Cause

P.S. Attorney General Eric Holder recently said, "In our current struggle against international terrorism, when others surrendered faithful obedience to the law to the circumstances of the time, it was the brave men and women in the JAG Corps who stood up against the tides, many times risking their careers to do so. We all can learn from their example." Click here to read the stories of the JAGs we are honoring


Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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