Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Help Support our Troops...

From the Inbox:

Dear IAVA Supporter,

If you act right now, you can help stop-lossed troops get $5,000 for their overtime.

Since 2001, over 170,000 service-members have been held past their enlistment contracts, under the military's 'stop-loss' policy.
In March, the Pentagon announced it would begin compensating these servicemembers for their overtime. But unless Congress acts today, thousands of veterans who were stop-lossed before October 2008 won't see a dime in backpay.

In the next 48 hours, Congress will decide the fate of a critical bill that would close this gap and provide an average of almost $5,000 in retroactive payments to troops who have been stop-lossed. But lawmakers need to hear from you.

Can you take a minute to call your Senators, and ask them to support retroactive payments for stop-lossed troops?

This vote will likely be happening within the next 48 hours. If we can get enough calls made to the Senate before then, we can help to ensure that this bill gets passed.

Our online tool makes it easy to find your Senators' phone numbers, and provides you with some short talking points that you can use on your call.

It only takes a minute, but it has an impact. Even if you speak to a staffer or leave a message, someone makes a note of that call. And when there are enough calls made on one issue, such as this one, then it can really get a Senator's attention.

So please take a minute to show your support today, and tell your Senators to support overtime pay for our nation's heroes.
IAVA will always work to be out in front on the big issues affecting troops, veterans and military families. Your support is crucial in that fight

Thank you for standing with us.


Paul Rieckhoff
Iraq Veteran
Executive Director & Founder
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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