Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Founding Fathers have nothing on them

If you haven't being paying attention the Philippines are in the midst of a constitutional crisis.  Go keep your eyes to the ground and watch history unfold:
Jefferson would have much more respect for the people of the Philippines who have a little more passion for challenging power and corruption and taking it to the street when need be than us Americans who have been lulled into complacency when it comes to transfer of power and protection from federal overreach. You had a lot via the anti-war movement but it died down after the war started.  Why I don't know.  You even see a little from the tea parties--on a smaller scale....
Speaking of Federal Overreach... I don't know if this is connected to the Philippines stuff--as my Dad lives there--- but I got a text message from Verizon --or at least it looked like Verizon saying "Foreign Correspondence is being monitored"
Yeah for the Patriot Act walking all over our civil liberties ---memo to Democrats, Obama isn't walking the walk when it comes to leading us out of the mess Bush created on this front....

Posted via email from jimnichols's posterous

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