Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm not the only one!!!

The study in our house has piles and piles of books---books on the floor, bookshelves filled with books stacked in efficient use of space rather than visibility ways--and to the point that the shelves are bowed, more books on the floor.  My gmail account has loads of articles/links I email myself to "get back to"; ditto for my google reader.

I guess I'm not the only one...

 Free Exchange:
 I must confess I'm not really looking for additional things to read. I suspect I'm not alone. I probably already own more books than I'm ever going to get through in my life. All of them are good; many are "indispensable" classics I've so far got by without. I would describe all of them as "worth reading". And yet if you think about it, some of them can't be. if I can't get through all of them, then reading any one of them means not reading another. There must, then, be some books in my pile that are great and yet not worth reading, because they'll crowd out another book that's greater. The opportunity cost of a book is partly determined by the value of other, alternative books. Or to put it simply, would one not be better off reading Wodehouse?

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