Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What People are Saying about Dr. Beth Farokhi

From the inbox:

"I first met Beth as President of AAUW of Cobb County.  I admired her in all her endeavors, and saw her as a forward thinking leader in her profession and in the field of education. She has long been a good community worker and she has pushed to extend women's pursuit of careers in multiple fields.  We need her leadership in public education to help Georgia achieve the dynamic of promise inherent in a well educated population.  Beth's extensive background in elementary and higher education will enable her to bring needed changes to our public schools, and I endorse her candidacy. I encourage you to vote for her."

                                           -Pam Flournoy, Teacher, Mother, Activist


"I very strongly support the statement Beth has given on Georgia's Public Education.  With many family members as teachers in our great state, I strongly support Beth."

                                                 -Rebecca Bridwell, Business Professional,

Morganton, GA (Fannin County)

Go to her website to learn more about Dr. Beth Farokhi an excellent candidate for State School Superintendent

Posted via email from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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