Tuesday, March 30, 2010

And for today's utterly meaningless statement...

So I see this blurb on my msn homepage...
Newsweek: While 80 percent of Americans say they believe in heaven, few people agree on what the afterlife will be like or how we get there.
Um... to keep this short and sweet i'll outsource to Daniel Dennet:
"If Lucy believes that Rock (Hudson) is to die for, and Desi believes that Rock (music) is to die for, they really don't agree on anything, do they?"

If 80% don't agree on what heaven is then how in the world can you claim they agree that there is one?  What are we talking about... nobody knows but we all agree we're talking about it! 
What an utterly useless statement.  I didn't take the time to read the article so it might be worth a read or it might now... I just caught one of my pet peeves
As Wittgenstein wisely noted: Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen. [Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.]

Posted via email from Jim's Theory Blog Posts

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