Sunday, March 14, 2010

What do you get?

What do you get when....
  • you pay your state legislators less than a McDonalds cashier?
  • when 9 our of 10 elections are won by the candidate with the most money?
  • when you elect people who say government can't do anything right and that low taxes should be the goal?
  • when "electable" rather than "capable" is the standard for recruiting candidates?
  • when voters care more about the personal lives and dramas of their politicians rather than their skill sets?
  • when over 50% of the seats for your General Assembly go uncontested?
  • when you know more nonvoters than voters; and the angriest voters are the least informed?
  • when most voters get their "news" from radio and tv entertainers?
Only a fool would be shocked that our state government is broken--but then again, man is not a rational animal is he?

Posted via email from Jim Nichols

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