Monday, March 8, 2010

Obama to deliver death blow to fair trials for detainees

Asked to pass this on...
Amnesty International:
We can't believe the news we heard yesterday...
The Washington Post is reporting that President Obama's advisors are encouraging him to deliver a death blow to fair trials in the United States. They are dangerously close to finalizing their decision to prosecute Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and other Guantanamo detainees, using the flawed military commissions system.
The word is already beginning to circulate around Washington that it's a done deal. But we're also hearing that it may not be too late. President Obama called the military commissions system "an enormous failure" during his campaign. And the credibility of the commission system has only deteriorated since then. They have no legitimacy and an inferior track record when compared to federal courts.
We've got just this weekend to push back and stiffen the spines of decision-makers at the White House. Fire back now by sending an email to President Obama. Then, forward this link to everyone you know:
This horrifying news just adds to the firestorm that's been brewing in Congress for weeks. Earlier, we told you about Senator Lindsey Graham's sneaky plan to drain funding from fair September 11th trials. Then just days ago, Senators McCain and Lieberman piled on their own twisted version of legislation aiming to gut the rule of law.
Everywhere we turn, the people we entrusted to uphold the principles of justice that our nation was founded on are either failing in their duty or running for cover:
Republicans have revived tired fear-mongering tactics
Democrats are caving to the pressure
Our President is a heartbeat away from stepping over into Dick Cheney's "dark side"
There is no time to lose. Flood the White House offices with your emails - don't let President Obama flip flop on federal trials.
Thanks for staying strong for justice,

Njambi Good
Counter Terror with Justice Campaign Director
Amnesty International USA

Posted via email from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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