Just got off work... making a pit stop at home and then I'm out the door to campaign for Kasim Reed (and Amir too!) in the Atlanta run-off (with a stop for 2 hours at GSU for class).
But I just had to take a moment to pause, take a deep breath and reflect on my gratitude.
During my time in politics I've met many people who have humbled and inspired me through their time, commitment, and sacrifice. These, too few and far betweens, give me the inspiration and determination to work harder. They've picked me up when I have fallen, and been a guide to me when I was unsure of how to move forward.
Of those people, my gratitude must both start and end with my wife. I'm privileged to be in a place where I have the opportunity to be involved in the political process. But I would not be in this place without my wife who quietly sits behind the scenes unnoticed, taking it all in stride.
For those who don't know much about the inner workings of campaigns, political parties, and legislative advocacy I think a reference to the theatre is in order. I'm sure you all know what its like to watch a play--but some of you may never have had a chance to go back stage to watch everyone working and running around like crazy for the show to go on.
As a playwright I can tell you that what the audience sees on stage; the words, magic, and wonder of the performance--wouldn't be possible without those behind the scenes keeping the wheels turning. Without those behind the scenes, the enjoyment, entertainment, and artistic value you gain would have never occurred. And its not glamorous work!
The same is true when it comes to success in politics and government.
Election days are good days--as we are lucky to have a safe, stable, and functional government as violece is all too common for most of the world. Living in an open society is a luxury that many do not have.
But good government doesn't just happen, its a constant struggle that takes work. And though people don't know it, my wife sacrifices a lot for me to have the opportunity to be engaged in the process of government and governing.
Anyways I just had to take a moment to pause to say thank you Deana... you sacrifice so much to make this a better world. I'm headed out the door and won't be home till after you are in bed, but I just wanted to pause and say thank you.
For all the days when I kiss you goodbye before you're up and kiss you goodnight after you've gone to bed; for all the campaign contributions you've coughed up at the expense of nice dinners and other things you deserve; for the last minute events and unexpected crisis'; for the love, support, and feedback that helps me keep plugging away--I am so very grateful.
You've even learned to feign a smile when I look over at you and say..."ummm babe, looks like there is going to be a run off--i'm going to have to scrap some of our upcoming plans."
Last year in the run up to Obama's election I turned to my then fiance as we were trying to set a date for the wedding and said, very hesitantly, "umm... can we put off the honeymoon till after the election?"
She smiled and said yes...giving me the, "how did I end up with a politico" eyes that she does so well. I knew right then and there that I was marrying the right person---and I think that moment is why I never had a single butterfly on our wedding day.
To all the spouses who have to put up with us politico's thank you-. Though others never see your sacrifices, or thank you for them, know that you are contributing something of great value to our society. provides all of us a stronger democracy.
Anyways, i'm out the door (and yes, babe, I grabbed the deposits that I was supposed to take to the bank yesterday and am taking them now).
P.S. Deana, I promise: its all over tonight! Polls close at 7pm. You have some "us times" coming to you ASAP
p.p.s. errrr... when I said "over"... I should have said "kinda over".... but I promise only 335 days till November 2010 election and then its over!
p.p.p.s I"m going to stop digging a bigger hole with this "its over line" and just leave it on, thank you!
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