Thursday, May 13, 2010

maybe this is part of the problem...

Um... why is CNN running segments of "Hannah Montana grrrrrrinding..." (as the CNN anchor described the video)?  Seems somebody made a video of her dancing with an older guy in an inappropriate manner on their cell phone.  And this is on CNN why? Okay yeah yeah...for ratings... I know. But my point still stands...
At what point are we going to realize that all of those inspirational political leaders, sports icons, and movie/music stars are human beings that act like... um... human beings.  When will we begin to recognize and acknowledge that our expectations of sport stars should be what they do on the field; our celebrities in their art of choice; and our political leaders by the way they vote, lead, and make law?
Fact is, many of the founding fathers would have never made it out of a Republican primary in the age of youtube, cell phones, and facebook; due to their human all too human short comings, failings, and indiscretions.
Edmund Burke and Friedrich Nietzsche were right about the failings of the Enlightenment types... and that noble "reason," that was to save us from the destructiveness of irrationality, fear, excess, and want.

Posted via email from Jim Nichols

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