Thursday, April 15, 2010

Governor Perdue Should Veto HB 1055 and Demand Lawmakers Pass A Clean Version

So says the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute:
In order for Governor Perdue to maintain his record of fiscal responsibility, he should veto House Bill 1055. The legislature combined permanent tax cuts with much-needed revenue increases in HB 1055, turning the governor's fiscally responsible proposal into a last minute tax giveaway. 
The final version, which passed April 14, adds to the alarming and long-term structural deficit in Georgia. In addition, this bill along with HB 1023 - which has permanent tax cuts of $380 million - could have serious negative implications for Georgia's AAA bond rating.

There is another option- an option that would allow the governor to achieve his original proposals of a temporary hospital fee and updates to user fees. House Bill 307, which contains the temporary hospital provider fee, is still viable. The governor still has an opportunity for the clean bill he desires, if lawmakers revise HB 307 to contain both revenue measures.

Lawmakers of both parties should vote for an amended version of HB 307 that contains two things - the temporary hospital provider fee and updates to user fees. However, lawmakers are not likely to pursue this sensible alternative unless the governor immediately vetoes HB 1055.

Note: Bills are not transmitted to the governor until after session. However, the governor can call a bill down at any time, and it will be immediately transmitted for signature or veto. The governor can call HB 1055 and HB 1023 immediately and veto, giving lawmakers the opportunity to move forward with a clean version of HB 307.

I think GBPI has a pretty good grasp of this one... hope we can count on Perdue to do the right thing for the citizens of this state and buck the talking heads in his party.

Posted via email from Jim Nichols

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