Monday, April 19, 2010

Yes I come from GA... we have many a wingnut...


believe that we have reached the point in this country where we will not see a change in the slide into a centrally controlled economy without armed revolution; we reached that point with the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Coupled with the ever shrinking percentage of Americans that pay income taxes, health care reform has ensured that the majority of the voters have a vested interest in the maintenance of the status quo (or at least they think they do).

It is unlikely that any ballot box revolution will effect a sufficient change to roll back the last 45 years (more like the last 77 years) of "social legislation". Despite the overwhelming evidence that Social Security and Medicare are not self sustaining, can anyone imagine any Congress passing legislation repealing those? Despite all of the money spent promoting the Fair Tax, can anyone imagine 38 states ratifying the repeal of the 16th Amendment? Having reached that conclusion I then move on to a consideration of whether armed revolution is a realistic possibility.

While the idea of revolution is romantic and the Minutemen are rightfully called heroes, too few people truly appreciate what armed revolution entails. The Minutemen at Lexington & Concord fired on and killed government soldiers. In school we are taught that the Americans fought the British in the Revolutionary War. In fact one group of British citizens went to war with their government. British citizens were killing other British citizens at every battle of the Revolution (yes, I know about the Hessian mercenaries - usually they were attached to or commanded by Brits).

If we are to have a revolution in this country, it will mean that Americans will have to shoot and kill other Americans. Revolutionaries will describe the government forces as oppressors and tools of a government who taxes too much and infringes too much on our rights. But in reality the majority of the forces under government control will be comprised of patriots. That means that a call to arms will be a call to kill our countrymen, relatives and children.

Does anyone believe that the Redcoats at Lexington & Concord marched on the Colonists because they believed that Taxation Without Representation was a good idea? Does anyone think that the British soldiers at Brooklyn fired on the Contential Army because they believed that The Quarting Act was a proper use of government power? Those British subjects fired at other British subjects because they were ordered to.

To those who advocate revolution - to those who believe that the only way to reverse the slide into Bolshevikism is through armed revolt - please include in your discussion the reality that any such revolt will require that revolutionaries put other Americans in their crosshairs. Please remember that the forces which will be seeking to enforce a confiscatory tax scheme will be bearing the colors of and carrying our flag. Unless a discussion of revolution acknowledges the reality of what that entails, it is useless or at worst counterproductive.

Unless and until the nascent revolutionaries admit that an armed uprising requires killing brave patriotic soldiers, those revolutionaries are full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.--

What a joke... Bolsheviks? this wingnut would be funny if some of them weren't actually serious. 

Posted via email from Jim Nichols

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