Friday, April 16, 2010

Call for Papers CFP: rhetoric and religion

From the inbox:
From Amanda Mills:
I am currently co-chairing a panel, titled "Religious Oratory Rhetoric in the Streets and the Pulpit," for the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) conference held in Atlanta this Nov.  Dr. Gaillet in the English (Rhetoric) department is the other co-chair. I have copied and pasted the Call for Papers below and would appreciate it if you could send it through the philosophy listserv, or let me know who to contact about that.
CFP: This session seeks submissions that examine the relationships and intersections of rhetoric and religion. Topics include, but are not limited to: investigating the rhetorical elements of homiletics; theology and logology; historical analysis of religious rhetoric development; methodology; religion, rhetoric and space; intersections of race, class and gender; language and practice; and controversies within the field. We are particularly interested in proposals that skirt or problematize traditional interpretations of religious oratory rhetoric. By May 1, 2010, please send an abstract of no longer than one page to Amanda Mills, Georgia State University,
Thank you,
Amanda Mills

Posted via email from Jim's Theory Blog Posts

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