Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Filed my 2009 Dec. 31 Disclosure

Filed my campaign disclosure with the State Ethics Commission...

I raised $1410.11 from July 1 -- Dec. 31
  • 22 contributors
  • Two contributions over $101 -- >   one for $300 and one for $150 
  •  20 small contributors --> totaling $960  -->  the average was $48
I spent $534.67
  • food for "meet up" events
  • website
  • online advertising
  • tickets to Henry County Democratic Party Christmas Event
  • copies
  • mailing labels
  • printer ink
  • stamps
To date I have raised $2295.11 and have spent $980.69.  I currently have $1314.42 cash on hand.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my campaign!
If you'd like to contribute online to my campaign you can do so at my website right now!

Posted via email from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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