Friday, December 17, 2010

The trucks won't load themselves... 12/17/2010

I'm headed to work.  Here are your morning reads...
Quote of the day
 I had come here to shoot at ‘Fascists’; but a man who is holding up his trousers isn't a ‘Fascist’, he is visibly a fellow-creature, similar to yourself, and you don't feel like shooting at him. 
Political quote of the day:
 Karl Rove no longer runs the GOP. Winston Smith does.
Mike Huckabee claims he never supported cap-and-trade when, actually, he gave a speech at a Clean Air Coal Plant conference just before the 2008 Republican primary where he mentions his support of it..  Steve Benin brings this up as an example of a larger rightwing shift within the Republican Party:
 larger significance of the party's shift. It wasn't too long ago -- within the last decade -- that there was a basic spectrum of policy positions Republicans accepted on a range of national issues. Not every candidate agreed across the board with every position, but the GOP's general approach was fairly easy to identify.

On health care, for example, the Republican mainstream envisioned a system involving an individual mandate. On arms control, the Republican mainstream embraced policies along the lines of the original START treaty.

And on energy policy, the Republican mainstream loved cap and trade. Indeed, just two years ago, the ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin vowed to establish "a cap-and-trade system that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions" and pursue "alternatives to carbon-based fuels."

The point, of course, isn't just that the Republican mainstream has shifted sharply to the right, it's that the mainstream has fallen off a right-wing cliff with surprising speed. Positions that were widely accepted by Republicans just a few years ago are now considered communist plots to destroy the American way of life.

PBS News has a good run down of the Afganistan Report released today Quick Take: Afghan Policy Review
The root legislative cause of the credit crisis was excessive deregulation
Have a great day! 

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