Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A bill that would give presidents the power to shut down the Internet.

Rockefeller's Assault on Freedom of Communication

Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller has introduced a bill that would give presidents the power to shut down the Internet. It was introduced on April 1, but it appears to be serious.

According to the eweek article above:

According to the bill's language, the president would have broad authority to designate various private networks as a "critical infrastructure system or network" and, with no other review, "may declare a cyber-security emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from" the designated the private-sector system or network.

I'm sure, though, that if the bill passes, whoever the president is will use it wisely. Governments have never abused their powers, have they?

Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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