Saturday, May 23, 2009

Schelling Quotes...

The early rumblings of Libertarian thought...Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling:
"The thought of making freedom the sum and substance of philosophy has emancipated the human spirit in all its relationships, and... has given to science in all its parts a more powerful reorientation than any earlier revolution."
"Man is born to act and not to speculate.."
"The time has come to proclaim to a nobler humanity the freedom of the spirit, and no longer to have patience with men's tearful regrets for their lost chains"
"The beginning and end of all philosophy is--Freedom."
"The highest dignity of Philosophy consists precisely therein, that it stakes all on human freedom."
I have not read enough Schelling... sigh... but I think he's been a huge influence on Western Thought.  He was pivotal in the German Idealism movement.  His work led to some of the thinkers who influenced me the most early on, specifically Nietzsche, and the Existentialist--whom I couldn't get enough of as a teenager.
But you can find more on Schelling here...

Posted via email from jimnichols's posterous

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