Saturday, May 31, 2014

Help send this blogger to the Gold Dome in Atlanta.

I've getting last minute pleas for contributions before the midnight deadline by email from campaigns. 

So here is mine... 

I'm not like the other guy running; I spend more time learning about the policy choices we face, and more time in the district listening to citizens concerns about those policy choices. 
If you are fed up with the status quo under the Gold Dome chip in $5, $25, $250...and lets go win an election.

Did I mention I'm endorsed by Howard Dean's crew up in Vermont: Democracy for America?
Contribute a few dollars and lets work to rebuild our Democracy and build power to take on the organized money that is stealing our Government from the people.
Plus Jason Carter needs candidates down ballot that will help get out the Vote for him this November. 
He won't tell any "Whats the Deal" jokes so he needs troops on the ground more than happy to make them for him.  Plus your contribution can help me buy cool organizing tools like this...

Which i'm a little under $2000 short of being able to afford.

So chip in today and help turn Georgia blue.

1 comment:

  1. I love to collect books. That's why I buy all my shelves from bookshelves atlanta ga. They are durable and attractive.
