Friday, June 24, 2011

YDG Labor Outreach Committee email list

School is kicking my butt so i'm way behind on getting forward progress on this front.  But i've been put in charge of a "Labor Outreach Committee" for the Young Democrats of Georgia*.

My core goals as chair of this committee:
  1. Reach out to Labor by getting Young Democrat groups to send a representative to union meetings/events to invite union members to get involved with what local Young Democrat chapters are doing
  2. Reach out to working class voters who tend to be disaffected, disengaged, and all together distrustful (justifiably so) of either of the two major parties and invite them to get involved with local YD events
  3. Create a place for Young Democrats who support labor/working class issues to network and learn how to better advocate for labor issues within the Democratic Party (as the Democratic Party has not been a good friend to labor/working class voters for a number of years.)
Its a work in progress as we are making this up as we go along so if you have ideas on things we can do and/or focus on please let me know.

To get the ball rolling I'm going to set up an email list to better network YD's who want to get involved with this committee.  Send me an email at and I'll add you to the email list.

Also please give a plug to your social networks on facebook/twitter/and such about getting involved with the YDG Labor Outreach Committee and help me build the email list.

*You are a Young Democrat if you fall between the ages of 14-40 (as well as those that are young at heart).

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