Friday, May 1, 2009

Poll: One-Third Of Georgia Republicans Approve Of Secession


A new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll finds that a third of Georgia Republicans approve of the idea of seceding from the United States.

The pollster asked: "Do you think Georgia would be better off as an independent nation or as part of the United States of America?" The top-line here is United States 68%, independence 27% -- but among Republicans, it's a closer U.S. 52%, independence 43%.

Respondents were then asked: "Would you approve or disapprove of Georgia leaving the United States?" Here the overall answer is approve 18%, disapprove 76% -- but among Republicans, it's approve 32%, disapprove 63%.

Look on the bright side: The Union cause is actually much stronger among Republicans here than it is in Texas, where a previous poll showed Texas GOPers evenly divided on independence, and a majority approving of Gov. Rick Perry's suggestions about seceding.


Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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