Thursday, May 7, 2009

On the Health Care Front

Some reads and one thought....

"Healthcare Enemy No. 1," The Nation, March 11, 2009

"Conservative Patient Rights Group Launches Attacks on Obama's Plan," Think Progress, March 3, 2009 

 "Healthcare Enemy No. 1," The Nation, March 11, 2009

"Group launches health care offensive," Politico, March 3, 2009

"Rick Scott and CPR: 'Not So Innocent,' And Just Plain Wrong," Media Matters, April 27, 2009

"The Public Insurance Option in National Health Reform," Institute for America's Future 

"Frank Luntz warns GOP: Health reform is popular," Politico, May 5, 2009


A public option is said to "lead to single payer" by those who oppose it.  One would only argue this if the public option was far superior and satisfied its far greater levels.  If they are making the conession that government can do it better than the private sector why are we even having the debate?  Aside from some classical liberals who just oppose government spending on anything but a core group of their chosen priorities anyone who says a public choice will lead to single payer is trying to protect private profits at the expense of the long term fiscal health of this country.

Remember neither giving the public a choice on what health insurance they want to use and Obama is not the problem... underfunded government and a heath care crisis are...

Join me in standing with Dr. Dean. So that we can assure that individual Americans can choose either a universally available public healthcare option like Medicare or for-profit private insurance.  A public health care option brings competition into the marketplace without it we will continue to pay 2 to 3 times as much for health care as other industrialized nations (while leaving large chunks of our population without coverage a.k.a "rationing" via income). 

To see where we're at as a nation compared to the rest of the world go check out the graph on spending per capita ("the cost of long life").  Off the charts would be an understatement...

Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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