Friday, May 8, 2009

Fair Tax

My last Fair Tax post got this comment:

Do us all a favor and read the fairtax book because it refutes every one of your misunderstandings about the fairtax. Learn the truth about this legislation before you write about it in the future.

1. I have...

2.  skip the math (which is dead wrong) and think about this: why in the world do we want our military to have to pay sales tax???

3.  Some of the Fair Tax people remind me of Marxists I used to have to deal with who always saw liberal/conservative conspiracy.  Sometimes a bad policy is a bad policy.


Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

1 comment:

  1. (2) By the same token Jim, under the current system, why in the world do we have every government wage (including military personnel) subject to federal income tax liability. Isn't that essentially the same thing, the government paying taxes to itself?

    My point is, holding this as a basis against the FairTax, as if it were an unprecedented concept, is not a strong argument.
