Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bush Tax Cut extension and the state of Georgia.

Here is a useful fact sheet from Citizens for Tax Justice comparing the Democratic and Republican positions on extending the Bush tax cut.

  •  Under the Republican plan, the bottom 60 percent of Georgia taxpayers would pay $196 more in 2011, on average, than they would under President Obama's plan.
  •  Under the Republican plan, the richest one percent of Georgia taxpayers would pay $30,525 less in 2011, on average, than they would under President Obama's plan.
Keep in mind the Bush tax cut was a key reason we went from surplus during the Clinton years to massive deficits.

As economist Brad Delong recently pointed out

[W}hen Republicans control the government they make the long-term fiscal situation worse and when Democrats control the government they make the long-term fiscal situation better is one of the most dependable regularities in American governance since the end of Eisenhower's term. 

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