Monday, January 5, 2009

Obama's tax cuts... not a great idea...

Tax Cuts Aren't The Solution
It's not entirely clear to me what the logic is behind the tax cuts, other than as a political gesture. I'm not dismissing the value, on its own, of another $1,000 for a family to have to spend. Yes, we need economic stimulus. But, first, if economists of "all political stripes" agreed that the last hunk of cash sent to people didn't work because people were putting it under their mattresses, where is the evidence that the current situation is any different? People are still in massive debt and home equity is gone as a place to get cash. Why do we think people will react differently.

But, the larger question really is: tax cuts compared to what? Would $300 billion give back more to people if the money was used, for example, to states to stop cuts in health care and education, or invested in rebuilding every crumbling school in the country, or...well, you pick your priority.

It seems to me that part of the reason we got into this mess is thinking too short term. Yes, put spend $1 trillion over the next two years in a vast array of investments that create jobs--but I don't see the same return from tax cuts.
I may be one of the few people left in America who crinkles my nose at the slogan "tax cuts".
count me in! Nose crinklers unite!

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