In a recent propublica article, Obama Broke Pledge to Force Banks to Help Homeowners I saw this...
“We got the impression this was an issue [the White House] would not go to the mat for as they did with health care reform,” said Bill Hampel, chief economist for the Credit Union National Association, which opposed cramdown and participated in Senate negotiations on the issue.
Who in the world thinks Obama went to the mat on health care and what world were they living in?
The reality is that the left--like the really real left-- outside of the Democratic Party, as well as the Liberal base within the party wanted to see a single payer system implemented. Moderates within the Democratic Party wanted to see a public option implemented so as to force the private sector to compete with the more efficient, cost effective public sector. Obama never pushed hard for the public option because his priority was to appease the health care industry so that the legislation could pass (at least in his eyes... its likely with the major public support across party lines of a public option that it could have passed through if Obama had put backbone behind it). Instead what we got was a center right health care bill based off of proposals by the Heritage Foundation during the Clinton health care debates of the 90's. We got RomneyCare.
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