Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tax Cuts, starving the beast, and Reality Based Republicans...

Reality based Republicans are too few and far between these days--just ask Republican politicians questions about global warming or evolution if you need a quick litmus test.  They used to exist in greater numbers and they are still around.  Now they mostly shelter under the self identifying label "independent"  
Bruce Bartlett is one of those few and far between reality based Republicans.  Though I think even he calls himself an independent now.
Here he is stating the obvious on tax cuts and starving the beast...
 I believe that to a large extent our current budgetary problems stem from the widespread adoption of an idea by Republicans in the 1970s called "starve the beast." It says that the best, perhaps only, way of reducing government spending is by reducing taxes. While a plausible strategy at the time it was formulated, STB became a substitute for serious budget control efforts, reduced the political cost of deficits, encouraged fiscally irresponsible tax cutting and ultimately made both spending and deficits larger.

Posted via email from Jim Nichols

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