Thursday, April 15, 2010

Where is the shame in paying taxes?

I think Gail Collins had it right today...
There’s no reason not to show the top taxpayers a little love. Paying a lot of taxes should be a badge of honor. It proves you made it into the league of big money-makers, not to mention the fact that you’re supporting the upkeep of the Grand Canyon. If the I.R.S. had been doing its marketing properly, little kids would dream of growing up to become really big taxpayers. .

The purpose of government is to protect and empower its citizens.  The wealthy of this nation have prospered because the social and economic environment they lucked out into being born into helped them flourish.  Certainly there was some good old fashioned hard work involved... but shouldn't people feel privileged to give back to a nation that has obviously given them a marketplace where they can prosper from hard work and dedication?

Posted via email from Jim Nichols

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