Saturday, April 3, 2010

This tells you how low talk radio has dragged us...

I intentionally posted up the Jon Stewart Erickerickson link via my political news... but I'm following up with the more appropriate post under culture as blogging and talk shows are entertainers and not analysts in the traditional sense and its fitting for cultural analysis to look at where our country is going and how it got here to recognize what new media and tv ratings are doing to our intake of political news... 
Lets just say this blogger has learned a lot on the campaign [turned out to be JimN2012?? go figure].  One of them being the usefulness of blogs in the actual political process are very small as our political engagement is not up to par as a culture...
I think Jon Stewart on Erickson is a great example of where news has gone... towards entertainment and short links that others don't always take the time to read or think through.  The decline of intellectual debate and political engagement is tracked back to talk radio, blogs, and 30 minutes news shows that have no quality information or the time to provide that information...

Posted via email from Jim's Culture Posts

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