Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Obama Era's Top Ten Anti-Government Flare-Ups and what it means...

Look these are obviously some very disturbed people who have a lot of issues... they aren't monsters and any connection to the tea party movement or tradition opposition that most Republicans hold doesn't hold water beyond the question of "inflaming via rhetoric..." Obama people and left types need to keep that in mind...
This gets into the whole PC debate about what you can and cannot say, and where the line is drawn between political discourse and responsible governing... as well as how everyday people rather than nonexistent "responsible leaders" driven by PR firms discuss/respond to politics.
This is a really convoluted post... but its a really complex issue dealing with levels of human emotion, dysfunction, political responsibility, and political engagement.
One of the perks of the tea party movement is that it is getting many people involved for the first time... the demos is inflamed... that is both a blessing and a curse.
Cooler heads prevail, the sky won't fall, and hopefully a stronger political engagement comes out on the other end of the "Obama years"
And to that point the increase in militia and millennial activity is worth thinking through at a cultural/theoretical level...

Posted via email from Jim's Theory Blog Posts

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