Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stop the MASSIVE cuts to GA colleges

From the inbox:
As you may know, Republican lawmakers in Georgia are targeting higher education in an attempt to hide their fiscally irresponsible ways.
Proposed changes include:
  • Over 4,000 lost jobs for college faculty and staff.
  • Termination of college majors, even as students are currently enrolled.
  • 50% of county extension agencies closed.
  • Closing the State Botanical Gardens and the student radio station at UGA, reduce GA Tech library hours by 42%,
  •  close GA State library on weekends.
  • Removal of 5 undergraduate programs at the Medical College of Georgia
  • Elimination of 4-H programs statewide.
  • Closing some satellite campuses; rejection letters for previously accepted new students.
State Senator Seth Harp even suggested that a 77% tuition increase, effective this calendar year, would be okay with him. 
Sign our petition to STOP the cuts to Georgia colleges and universities. Our public education system is being bled dry by the Republican leadership in the State Capitol. 
Sign the Petition HERE
Please forward this email to friends and family that support Georgia's great colleges & universities. Every signature makes a difference.

Posted via email from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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