Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Georgia voters: Cigarette tax best to raise

ATLANTA - Raising the tax on cigarettes is a more popular option than cutting spending on education, health care or increasing other taxes, according to a poll released Tuesday by a coalition of non-smoking groups.

The survey showed that 71 percent of Georgians questioned support a $1 increase in the tax on a pack of cigarettes. The survey included only likely voters.

On the other hand, about four out of five people said they oppose a tax on groceries, hospital revenues, or increasing the income tax.

With legislators searching for ways to balance the state budget in the face of a projected $1 billion revenue shortfall, raising the cigarette tax could be part of the solution, according to John Daniel, vice president of the American Cancer Society. Increasing the tax on cigarettes by $1 per pack could generate $355 million, according to Cancer Society estimates that include a 15 percent decline in sales due to smokers who either quit, shop online or drive to neighboring states.

"The only group that opposes this tax is smokers," said Danny McGoldrick, vice president for research for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, one of the sponsors of the survey.

Rep. Ron Stephens, a Savannah pharmacist and member of the Republican House leadership, is the sponsor of House Bill 39 nicknamed "pass the buck" to boost the tax. He attended the news conference and skipped the chance to meet President Barack Obama who was in Savannah because he felt passing the bill is suddenly possible because of the budget problems.

"Last year, when this was introduced, it was not even supposed to be discussed. ... It's on the table now," he said.

The survey by Public Opinion Strategies of 500 likely voters was conducted Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and has a 4 percent margin of error.

It showed that 55 percent said they "strongly favor" raising the cigarette tax while another 16 percent "somewhat" support it. Slightly more than one in four of those surveyed oppose the tax.

"Georgia faces many tough decisions this year, but raising the tobacco tax is the only one that will protect our kids and also lower health care costs for years to come," Daniel said.

Stephens said the main opposition to his bill in the House comes from his colleagues who are philosophically opposed to any tax increase. Many ran on a pledge to oppose all tax increases. He said convincing them won't be easy but that the current budget problems create the best opportunity for passage.

"To fill $300 million is a pretty easy sale, even for those people who have signed a 'no tax increase' pledge," he said. "These are unprecedented times."


Posted via email from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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