Sunday, March 14, 2010


From the Inbox:
Greetings PSAers and friends,
As many of you know, there will be a demonstration against higher education cuts THIS MONDAY, March 15th at 10:00 A.M. at the Georgia Capitol. The Board of Regents and state legislators have noted that the cuts, at their worst, could include up to a 30% hike in tuition, $1,000 in extra student fees, increased furloughs, and up to 4,000 layoffs of campus workers. Campuses large and small across Georgia have mobilized local demonstrations over the past few weeks in reaction to this news and hundreds of these students will be coming together at the State Capitol tomorrow.

We hope you will join us for this historic event to show our strength at the Capitol and demand a just solution to this budget gap that does NOT include tuition hikes, more furloughs, more layoffs, and further cuts to the University System of Georgia. We must also avoid a "divide and conquer" approach that pits students against workers or areas of the public sector against one another (for example, cutting K-12 to fund higher education). We have arranged a number of wonderful and exciting speakers including fellow students, faculty, and state legislators, and after the demonstration we will hold a meeting to discuss the future of this movement, led by Georgia Students for
Public Higher Education, and how YOU can get involved on your campus!
For those who would like to march from GSU campus, meet at Hurt Park (on Edgewood) at 9:30 AM.
We look forward to seeing you on March 15th for whatever portion of the demonstration you can make it to! Please come out and make history with us on March 15th at the Georgia Capitol! Local, state-wide, and even national media will be watching--show them we have big numbers and bring everyone you know out!
Georgia Students for Public Higher Education
(the GSU Progressive Student Alliance is a proud member of GSPHE)

Posted via email from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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