Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Amnesty International on supporting fair federal trials

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From the inbox:
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is spearheading an effort to strangle America's last hope of bringing suspected 9/11 attackers to justice through fair trials.
His underhanded legislative maneuver would slash funding for civilian terror trials in a stunning betrayal of our commitment to human rights and rule of law.
It's up to us to stand up to the hysteria and ensure that justice and human rights are protected. Join us in supporting fair federal trials.
Months of fear mongering and distortion have whittled away at the Obama administration's resolve to fight for the principles of justice that our nation was founded on.
Critics of civilian trials want you to believe that the American system of justice isn't tough enough to handle terror suspects.
They'd like us to forget that:
  • The Bush Administration prosecuted many more terror suspects as criminals than as enemy combatants
  • From 2000 - 2008, the Bush administration obtained at least 319 convictions in "terrorism or terrorism-related" cases in the civilian justice system
  • Only 3 detainees have been convicted in military commissions at Guantanamo

The military commissions were designed by politicians who caved to fear instead of standing up for American ideals of justice. These courts fail to meet standards for fairness upheld worldwide as well as by America's own federal government and armed forces. They threaten to keep details about failed U.S. torture policy under a shroud of secrecy.

Amnesty is campaigning right now to convince Congress and the White House not to abandon fair, federal trials. But if Sen. Graham's legislative maneuver continues gathering steam, it may leave President Obama and Attorney General Holder with no other choice than military commissions.
With your help, we can combat the overblown rhetoric.

Posted via email from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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