Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Keep moving to the right Republican Party...

The Republican Party is going to be out of power until it gets control of its far right wing who take their cues from entertainers...

Here's a great example via TPM

From the Wausau (Wisconsin) Daily Herald ...

The Republican Party of Marathon County has stripped its spokesman of his title less than three months after he wrote a column critical of conservative talk radio star Rush Limbaugh.

Kevin Stevenson said he believes his March guest column in the Wausau Daily Herald criticizing Limbaugh turned local party members against him.

"They felt I was too moderate in what I was speaking and printing," he said.

I've posted on some of the Colin Powell v. Limbaugh/Cheny rift Government is about compromise and coaltions....  also Jay Bookman has hit on this... Powell wing vs. Limbaugh wing of the GOP

This kind of stuff only helps the Democrats bring in more moderates which I think is important for the party.

Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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