Sunday, May 3, 2009

in yoga today...

I was pondering on my recent efforts.

I think one point in my last post was that somewhere within this challenge is the fact that a pragmatic advocate must acknowledge a micro-level of debate.  That being the question of who are in office, and what coalitions can be built from them.  To do so you must look at their specific voting behaviors, the possible coalitions that can be built, and the likely influence of their constituencies on their votes (i.e. will an uproar from their constituencies cause them to change sides--which is pretty much always at the level of 0 possibility).

This has all been spurred on by the "Obama is creating a giant deficit" motif that conservatives have going.  Something I hit on earlier, after the interview in the local paper about that local Obama smear group

Also I think James Galbraith put it best... "If deficits in the trillions and public debt in the tens of trillions scare you, this is not a line of work you should be in."

The conservative revolution put us a long way behind the curve, when it comes to being a sustainable, competative, industrialized nation in the 21st cent.

Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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