Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hoyer/Cantor Letter to Obama on Israel

Bipartisanship At Its Most Loathsome

The letter tells the President to let Israelis and Palestinians work it all out themselves, knowing that without the US playing the "honest broker" role, they won't. According to Hoyer/Cantor, our job is to serve as "trusted mediator and devoted friend of Israel." Huh?

"No doubt our two governments [Israel's and the United States'] will agree on many issues and disagree on others. The proven best way forward is to work closely and privately together both on areas of agreement and especially on areas of disagreement," it says.

Get that. In areas where we, heaven forfend, disagree, we hug it out with the Israelis. The Palestinians have as much say as African-Americans had on the Dred Scott decision. They are irrelevant and invisible.

Posted via web from jimnichols's posterous

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