Friday, December 12, 2008

I was on tv... who let that happen?

Was on local tv two weeks ago and they just posted it up.
I goofed on the tax brackets... 90% until Kennedy... 50% with Reagan...

Also did too much hedging... but then again I get myself in trouble with Democrats more so than Republicans. I also didn't articulate it well--and it also speaks to my comfort zone being behind the written word where I can cite the specifics accurately--but I kept deferring to experts. What I always try to get people to see/do is to dig into the issues.

The anti-intellectual climate we've had since Reagan has allowed for Sarah Palin types to be considered legitimate policy makers. These folks may hold legitimate opinions and feelings but no one need take seriously ideas that have no bases in empirical and real world scenarios. So I like promoting the idea that specialist do have something important to contribute.

I can't be an expert in every field and most find folks whose sole purpose is to learn that field. I go to a plumber for my toilet, a climatologist for my global warming questions, a biologist for evolution questions, an economist for the economy, and a pyschiatirst for my bi-polar. Just-so storys and sounds good feel good--"makes sense to me!" policy positions; though sometimes valid, vital, and democratic; aren't always up to date on the way the world acutally works. Its a complex place you know...

Thats why pretty much to a person--aside from my Libertarian friends--I argue down conservatives to the point that they "have their reasons" for voting conservative. Which is fine... as long as we don't pretend those reasons are based in anything other than sounds good feels good policy. Gravity is 9.8 meters per second squared as they say.

Once they lose their talking heads lecture points,cut the hyperbole and pejorative talk about Liberals and Democrats, and get down to the issues they tend to be shockingly silent for all the certainty and disdain they have for others policy views it speaks volumes. Intimidation and logical fallcies don't work on me and I actively look to 'pick a fight' if you will.

But for my first gig as a talking head I think I didn't do too bad. (Of coarse I support the train going to hampton!) And I didn't get any shots in on the nonsense about Republicans supporting "Free markets" over government intervention--ever hear of patent protections or immigration controls or food safety regulations... or or or... they just support certain forms of protectionism's that help certain sectors of the economy. They like socializing the costs and privatizing the profits. It falls in line with the "rich people work hard" (as if poor people don't) and that all those benefits come out of pure old fashioned sweat--nonsense if there ever was. Check out Herbert Simon, or listen to Warren Buffet talk about the importance of social capital if you were confused.

Anyways hopefully I'll be a little less nervous next time and can do a little less ummm's and ahh's and more specifics. I know them I was just afraid my memory would bungle something.

And it just hit me.. .I didn't even talk about the health care crisis! I guess the Martin/Obama messaging of the economy the economy the economy worked on me just as well as everyone else.


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