“Passion and prejudice govern the world; only under the name of reason” --John Wesley
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Help send this blogger to the Gold Dome in Atlanta.
I've getting last minute pleas for contributions before the midnight deadline by email from campaigns.
So here is mine...
I'm not like the other guy running; I spend more time learning about the policy choices we face, and more time in the district listening to citizens concerns about those policy choices.
If you are fed up with the status quo under the Gold Dome chip in $5, $25, $250...and lets go win an election.
Did I mention I'm endorsed by Howard Dean's crew up in Vermont: Democracy for America?
Contribute a few dollars and lets work to rebuild our Democracy and build power to take on the organized money that is stealing our Government from the people.
Plus Jason Carter needs candidates down ballot that will help get out the Vote for him this November.
He won't tell any "Whats the Deal" jokes so he needs troops on the ground more than happy to make them for him. Plus your contribution can help me buy cool organizing tools like this...
Which i'm a little under $2000 short of being able to afford.
So chip in today and help turn Georgia blue.
If a critic of ObamaCare made a coherent argument in the woods... would anyone believe it actually happened?
Criticism of the Affordable Care Act is 3 miles wide and two inches deep--I spend five minutes with a critic and the nuances and contradictions within their critique appear immediately. While we need to improve aspects of the ACA we are much better off with it in place.
About 94.5% (yes exactly 94.5%) of the people who crticize the Afforadable Care Act have zero comprehension of the unsustainable health care system we had before the ACA; nor a grasp of the amalgam of history, health economics, sociology, and policy forecasting of health care costs/treatments that require grasping when discussing health care reform.
If you don't understand the origins of our insurance system, nor basic aspects of the ACA, maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself and pick up a book (I can recommend a few if you need a place to start.)
Friday, May 30, 2014
Good reads, my state house campaign, and a new Populism in America.
Welcome to the weekend! Brought to you by the labor movement. Here are a few items that might occupy some of your free time this weekend. Enjoy!
Some good reads to start your weekend:
Instead of Austerity and Slogans, Vets Need a Fully Funded and Accountable VA | The Nation
Gubernatorial Hopeful Jason Carter Vows Candidacy Free of “What’s the Deal” Jokes
Leaving Homeless Person On The Streets: $31,065. Giving Them Housing: $10,051. | ThinkProgress
The 6 Principles of the New Populism (and the Establishment’s Nightmare)
China's Two Problems with the Uyghurs
Taxes and the Public Purpose « Multiplier Effect
Most Income Inequality: Congressional Districts - Bloomberg Best (and Worst)
Republican Colonel Blasts GOP For Focusing On Benghazi Instead Of Cheney’s War Crimes
Georgia Looks To Reopen Some Closed Hospitals As ERs : Shots - Health News : NPR
Income Taxes Aren’t Driving Georgians to Change States | Georgia Budget and Policy Institute
As union membership declines, inequality rises | Economic Policy Institute
Report says Georgia is No. 40 in senior adult health - Atlanta Business Chronicle
If some of what you read above is depressing its important to remember you can help contribute to the fight to take back our nation from wealth and power.
Action is the important step step to take if you don't want to give up. Thats why I need your help...
Fight organized money and stand up for working people by chipping in to my State House campaign. Be it $5, $25, or $500 your money will go directly in to a grassroots effort to bring about some of that new reality based-pragmatic populism is that sweeping across the country.
Something for your viewing pleasure...
Need a book? (buying via my link gets this blogger a small %)
If you are looking for a book or two to dive into this weekend here are a few new books sitting on my bedside table at the moment...
Coming Up Short: Working-Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty
The Classical Liberal Constitution
What Should We Be Worried About?: Real Scenarios That Keep Scientists Up at Night
Lucian Freud: Eyes Wide Open (Icons)
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
A Bailout Botched by Centrists
Very good podcast interview over at ProPublica. Take a listen...
Podcast: A Bailout Botched by Centrists - ProPublica
Podcast: A Bailout Botched by Centrists - ProPublica
If former Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has faced his share of criticism for his rocky tenure, Jesse Eisinger says, his new book makes clear that most of it should be borne by his old boss, President Obama.Following up on his unsparing examination of the book, "Stress Test," last week, Eisinger joins Steve Engelberg in the Storage Closet studio to expand on Obama’s missed opportunities in the wake of the financial crisis.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The State School Superintendent Race here in Georgia is an argument for IRV!
Tonight is the GBP debate. Watch Televised Debates on GPB *TONIGHT* State School Superintendent Race - Republicans: (6-7pm) - Democrats: (7-8pm).
With way too many candidates and the need to waste money holding a runoff the State School Superintendent Race is a perfect example of the need for IRV (Instant Runoff Voting) in Georgia
How does Instant Runoff Voting work?
For you Democracy for America fans out there here is Howard Dean making the case for IRV a few years back.
Watch Televised Debates on GPB *TONIGHT* State School Superintendent Race - Republicans: (6-7pm) - Democrats: (7-8pm). But then think about how you'd vote through a rank ordering of your preferences rather than who you think can/should win.
With way too many candidates and the need to waste money holding a runoff the State School Superintendent Race is a perfect example of the need for IRV (Instant Runoff Voting) in Georgia
How does Instant Runoff Voting work?
For you Democracy for America fans out there here is Howard Dean making the case for IRV a few years back.
Watch Televised Debates on GPB *TONIGHT* State School Superintendent Race - Republicans: (6-7pm) - Democrats: (7-8pm). But then think about how you'd vote through a rank ordering of your preferences rather than who you think can/should win.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Background to crisis in Ukraine
To put some context for myself to what has been happening lately in the Ukraine I've been picking up some history books.
I highly recommend this book I'm reading at the moment Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
I highly recommend this book I'm reading at the moment Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin