here it is county by county...
Only problem is that most people live in the cities... so the map actually looks like this...
and this...
8 years of Bush policy---which Republicans supported until it was so much of an obvious failure that they ran for the hills..."that wasn't what I meant..."--didn't cause the massive freakout fest we've seen with Obama.
I was 19 for 2000 so I was looking for and hoping for freakout fest. I was utterly shocked at the passivity of Democrats. Its not like the Bush failures weren't predicted... if you followed my blog back in the day you might have caught some of the obvious points of contention... that turned out correct I might add. Its not like Bush was radical in all the ways that people claim Obama--who is center right by the by--is radical.
Part of the problem with this Obama hysteria we see now is that a lot of Republicans didn't realize that a whole lot of people disagreed with Republicans for 8 years. So now Republican perspectives on what the consensus acceptable policy was is skewed. But then again Democrats didn't go on the sky is falling temper tantrums and scream fests and buy a bunch of guns... (okay okay aside from the normal left wingers who are always screaming... i'm talking about every day people who don't have blue hair or have get to see "old friends" they only see at every protest...)
What is it about the angry Republican base that doesn't allow them to stomach losing an election and freaking out about the sky falling? Why are a shockingly large amount of Republicans more like a 19 year old kid than middle aged petite bourgeoisie that they actually are?
Maybe part of it can be explained by the fact that the media didn't use the most descriptive map during the election in 2000 and 2004?
here's more on the maps...